Proactively managing risks to safeguard our assets and the future of our stakeholders
As a prudent, long-term investor, we are deeply committed to proactively identifying and mitigating all risks to the best of our ability to fulfil our mandate and achieve our strategic objectives, in line with industry standards and international best practices.
We take a broad and comprehensive view on risk covering every step of the investment process – from market, strategic and investment risks to financial, operational and technological risks –.
Overseen by our independent Board Risk Committee, our state-of-the art risk management function is fully integrated throughout our investment process, contributing to our operational excellence as an investment firm and ability to generate sustainable performance over the long term.
A unique model for efficient and effective governance
As the independent investment manager of GOSI, our mandate is to deliver the best possible investment outcomes for GOSI and its 10 Million + contributors.
We take this responsibility seriously. Our approach to governance is unique and fundamental to our sustainable success, providing a strong foundation for strategic progress and innovation, while ensuring full compliance and alignment with all necessary international and local regulatory standards and requirements. It is designed to enable effective decision-making while helping to attract the right talent to the Board and across the organization.
Our dedicated Board is composed of experienced investment experts, which is a key differentiator and strength, empowering us to work bottom-up by applying a rigorous process and thoughtful asset class strategies.
Our compliance framework is overseen by our Board and the various Board-level committees, including the Board Investment, Risk and Audit committees. Our Board-level committees include subject matter and global pension industry experts in investment strategy, risk management, and direct private equity, who provide a powerful perspective and the necessary guidance for our leadership team to effectively execute and monitor our large portfolio.